Thursday, April 23, 2015

Nazis and space squids

The Nazis

I had a battle against Juha and his german army again. I was playing French as usual. We had a scenario where the objective was, for germans to capture a important bridge on the middle of the board. The French were trying to prevent this from happening. A squad of infantry must be within 3" from the bridge for it to count as occupying it.

A view of the battlefield

My list was this:

Command squad
3 units on regulars
1 unit of Senegalese
Light howitzer
Renaut FT-17 very light tank


Command squad
2 units of regulars, (one in hanomag)
1 unit of veteran pioneers with stormpistol
1 unit of veterans
Sniper team
Forward observer

As defender i had the oportunity to place two units within 6" of the bridge, so i placed my howitzer to a good firing position and a squad to the nearby house to protect it. Half of my remaining forces would arrive on turn 1 and the rest on turn 2 onwards with a dice roll. Same for the german attackers.

The german forces after  turn one
Germans occupying a house, which was not a good idea, as the got a pinned battle as soon as they got in

On the other side of the road, the German veteran pioneers got hit by a howitzer. They lost a man and got pinned as well
The French army arriverd, only the command squad failing the roll to enter. They were too busy drinking wine

Senegalese going for the bridge
French positions

Senegalese crossing the bridge, supported by the Renault. This move was made too early and would have been better later on the game. The Senegalese got shot to the last man at this point.
Later on in the game, the germans got pinned on the left and right, so they gathered next to their command squad and medic to get their minds straightened out again.

During the game the germans got massively pinned by the french. One german squad had 7 pins and others had the like of 3 and 4. They managed to rally but got more pins again soon. My side also got pinned badly by the german off board artillery strike and one of my squads ran after failing a test.
After this the game was in a stalemate and both parties shot at the other from their side of the river. The germans tried to make a final move to the bridge, but they faced the Renault and two squads in ambush, so they only got near to the bridge. This was a great game, and Juha and i decided to continue the game on next wednesday from this point. We might be adding something, like a use for those boats in the pictures, or german paras.

Feel free to comment or give as ideas what to add to the next game!

The space squids

Our Dropzone commander project has moved on! We have added some scenery, like cars and trees that i made. Herkko has also got more troops and new units like the Scourge Minders. I also proxied my Sabres as Katanas, which was a nice change. Also in my oppinion the Katanas are better against Scourge. Here are some pictures from our last game. I will start writing reports, when we get our scenery level to where we want and we have a grip on most of the rules.

Drop us a comment about this stuff too!

Scourge tank drivers are really bad at parking their tanks...


  1. Cool game of Bolt Action. The narrative of your linked games brings a nice extra level to the game.

    The Drop Zone Commander board looks awesome as well! Where'd you get the cars?

  2. The cars are from ebay. It was something like 3-4£ for a bag of 100.

  3. I'd really like to test the DZC some day at the club. I have a starter force of (badky painted) Shaltari i bought from Sotavasara ready for action..

    1. Sure thing! I have got new stuff painted, and it would be nice to fight some other race besides Herkkos space squids. Im on summer leave now, so we just need to pick a day that works.
